Congratulations! You've reached the math extension menu, which means you reached today's learning objective in math class. There is never a point where there are no math challenges to be solved. Keep pushing yourself to continue growing.

These pages include some very challenging math extensions you can do to keep your brain growing even after you've reached the daily math objective. All of the extensions have been organized according to Bloom's Taxonomy so you know how challenging the activities will be. Best of luck on your math journey!

Level 2: Remembering

🔘 Hit The Button

💔 Nice or Nasty

🎲 Dicey Operations

Subtraction Surprise

🔢 Factors and Multiples Puzzle

Divisibility Tests

🪟 Matching Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

🧩 Fractions Jigsaw

🎈 Up, Down, Flying Around

Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers

🪟 Countdown Fractions

Level 3: Understanding

🍇 Fruity Totals

🌡️. Temperature

🔶 What's It Worth?

🐸. Frogs

🔢. Odds, Evens and More Evens